The Evillious Chronicles Wiki

Thank you for Redladydeath for providing scans. This blog post is titled "transcript" but I'll be posting some translations. I recognize that Price Check is still the best translator we have in this fandom and I'm still learning. If you feel like a sentence is off, please bring that up in the comment section below and I'll provide the transcript for that sentence. We can discuss it together :) This is a preliminary translation, so I discourage its use for any other place besides my blog posts.

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Father. Please teach me

How to turn gods into humans.

How to meet you ----.

TN: The lines above are mostly the same lines as the Queen of Glass lyrics

...... Before she knew it, Maria Moonlit was in charge of ruling the state.

TN: The first part is 気が付けば.

Some fragmentary memories of the past.

At the age of 14, she was struck by lightning at the orphanage's yard. There, she received the divine revelation for the first time.

Inside the "Sin", the heritage from the gods, are certainly the two dragon gods. Her true parents.

TN: 神の遺産 can be translated as "God's legacy" but I choose to use "heritage" since 遺産 is usually used to pertain to fortune passed down to your children. 

TN'2: 真なる is a weird way to say "true". lit. "to become the truth"

"Every person is a Child of the Gods" such is what she was indoctrinated as she grew up.

TN:' "神の御子" is used for the Christian phrase "Son of God".

TN2: "教えられ" simply means to be taught but I choose the word "indoctrinated" for a religious theme.

That doctrine proved to be true.

Maria was a child of the gods, after all.

TN: Mothy used "神の子" here instead of the using the more formal "御子"

