The Daughter of Evil: BGM Reading Collection is an album released by Akuno-P in conjunction with Torabolta-P on February 17, 2014. It was distributed with the purchase of The Daughter of Evil: Act 1 manga from the Animate Online Shop and features three songs. Its jacket was illustrated by Mizutame Tori.
- The Daughter and Servant of Evil
- The Daughter of Evil (arranged version)
- The Servant of Evil (arranged version)
Conceptualization and Origin[]
- The album's name references its intended usage as background music while reading The Daughter of Evil: Act 1.
- The album CD was released as a promotional item for purchasing the manga from the Animate Online Shop.
- The album is similar to Four Melodies of Evil ~The Daughter of Evil Novel Music Collection~, being used as a promotional item for an upcoming media release; both also contain The Daughter and Servant of Evil instrumentals among their tracklists.