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The Original Sin Story is a multi-media series conceptualized and developed by Akuno-P. It belongs to mothy's larger Evillious Chronicles. Originally told in song, the series has since been referenced in numerous works by mothy, revolving around the prophesized destruction of the Magic Kingdom Levianta and the crime committed by one woman in the forest.


The series is set in Bolganio, a fictional continent in the series' world, with most of its major actions taking place in its western region, Evillious. The main storyline occurs around the northern area of the region. Originally, the series begins in a BC-esque era, but after the birth of Hänsel and Gretel, the Evillious Calendar (EC) is established and becomes the central timeline for events up through EC 015.[1] Because of the prophecy made by Maria Moonlit, the Leviantan politics play a large role in the events taking place.[2]


Magic Kingdom Levianta

A large and powerful nation in the northern area of the Evillious region. Becoming one of the most magically and technologically advanced nation of its time, Levianta rivaled the Tasan Empire.[3] Its people worship the twin dragon gods, Levia-Behemo.[4] At the time, the country is being terrorized by the criminal organization, Apocalypse.[5] However, Maria Moonlit's prophecy changed everything.[6]

Kingdom of Elphegort

A peaceful nation south of Levianta. Originally known as Heldogort, the country split off its religious ties to the Magic Kingdom in favor of worshiping the dragon god Held, the Magic Kingdom branded its followers as a heretic cult and suffered repression from its neighbor.[7] It is said that the forest in the southern area of the country is inhabited by Held, believed to have incarnated as a tree.[8]


Original Sin

The composite magical energy of the Seven Deadly Sins born in Eve Moonlit after stealing the infants Hänsel and Gretel and subsequently killing their mother, Meta Salmhofer.[9] After Eve's death, the corrupted magic manifested as the witch's burnt remains. Her foster children then split it into the individual Deadly Sins before scattering the Demons of Sin across the world.[10]

Ghoul Child

An artificial human created via scientific experimentation. They tend to suffer a harsh social stigma for their existence and live difficult lives for various reasons.[11] The process of creating a Ghoul Child appears to be native to Levianta and is assumed to have been lost after the country's destruction in the Levianta Catastrophe.


A forbidden ark-shaped device in Levianta,[12] containing the twin gods Levia-Behemo. It was brought into the Third Period from the previous world.[13] Maria Moonlit prophesied that it would bring destruction to the Magic Kingdom, leading to the creation of Project 'Ma'.[14] The machine was later used by Kiril to revive Elluka Chirclatia, causing it to create a monstrous explosion, enough to wipe out the Magic Kingdom Levianta and even affect neighboring countries; it was ultimately buried due to the disaster.[15]

Seed of God

An element of the birthing process for Project 'Ma'. It is assumed to be the fertilizer for the selected candidate's egg to conceive the twin gods. It is injected into the recipient mother to conceive the twins.[16]


A brainwashing drug used by Adam Moonlit during the first Project 'Ma'. The scientist utilized the drug to seduce Eve Zvezda and later persuade her to become a candidate for the project.[17] It bears an obvious connection with the Sin of Lust and Duke Sateriasis Venomania, who would also have a similar brainwashing power to seduce women and manipulate them to his will over a century later.


When the series was first conceptualized, it was told in reverse order, with mothy releasing Abandoned on a Moonlit Night first,[18] followed by Moonlit Bear.[19] Since the release of Original Sin Story -Act 1-, the songs' story has been retold in a more linear manner while being divided into several "acts". Although not reaching the same popularity as some of his other series, the Original Sin Story has become an important backstory bridging into the Seven Deadly Sins Series.

Song Listing

  1. Project 'Ma'
  2. Escape of Salmhofer the Witch
  3. Moonlit Bear
  4. Survival 'Ma' -Who Will Survive?-
  5. Whereabouts of the Miracle -Catastrophe-
  6. Recollective Musicbox
  7. Abandoned on a Moonlit Night


Although not receiving standalone light novel adaptations, the Original Sin Story received short, literary portrayals of its first two songs in Waltz of Evil: The Deadly Sins of Evil Guidebook, often paraphrasing the original lyrics of the song for each illustrative story.


Note: this list only contains some of the major recurring characters in the series. For a list of all minor characters that appear or are mentioned in passing, see the List of Minor Characters in the Original Sin Story.


Conceptualization and Origin


  1. Original Sin Story -Act 1- Booklet - Section 4. Moonlit Bear
  2. Original Sin Story -Act 1- Booklet - Section 1. Prophet Marry-Go-Round
  3. Deadly Sin of Evil: Evil Food Eater Conchita
  4. Original Sin Story -Act 2- Booklet
  5. Original Sin Story -Act 1- Booklet - Section 3. Escape of Salmhofer the Witch
  6. Original Sin Story -Act 1- Booklet - Section 1. Prophet Marry-Go-Round
  7. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 4, Section 1
  8. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 1
  9. Evils Kingdom Booklet - Part I. Moonlit Bear
  10. Chrono Story - 後に残った「始まりの罪」 僕らの手で七つに分けた
  11. Original Sin Story -Act 2- Booklet
  12. Original Sin Story -Act 2- Booklet
  13. Heavenly Yard
  14. Project 'Ma' - <闇の遺産『罪』> それはやがて国を滅ぼす
  15. Original Sin Story -Act 2- Booklet
  16. Project 'Ma' - 神の種を埋め込まれ ゆりかごの中
  17. Project 'Ma' - 『venom(洗脳薬)』を使えば簡単な事
  18. Nico Nico Douga Posting-October 6, 2008-
  19. Nico Nico Douga Posting-June 22, 2009-