The Evillious Chronicles Wiki

Moonlit Bear is a short, illustrative story included in Waltz of Evil: The Deadly Sins of Evil Guidebook. The tale was illustrated by Yoshida Dondorian. It follows the events of the song of the same name as Eve Moonlit steals two fruit from a vicious bear on a moonlit night.

Plot Summary

Note: This summary is incomplete. Improved summary pending until translations are acquired.



Conceptualization and Origin

  • The story's title is based upon the song sharing its name.
  • It's title refers to the "bear" that chased it's main character, Eve Moonlit; the word "bear" also means "to carry", referring to the consequences Eve bears for her sin.
  • Like Abandoned on a Moonlit Night, Full Moon Laboratory, and Escape of Salmhofer the Witch, the story takes place on a moonlit night; the moon is often associated with madness and is the origin of the word "lunacy".


  • The glass bottle present in the story seems to be the same one seen in Abandoned on a Moonlit Night; a similar glass bottle appears in Regret Message.

