The Evillious Chronicles Wiki

Caspar Blankenheim is a marquis of Elphegort and the husband of Margarita Blankenheim. He is the first person to be poisoned by his wife in the Toragay Serial Killings.

Featured in...

Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep (EC 609)

In Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep, the first portion of the song is directed at him, discussing his relationship with Margarita; in spite of his lack of concern for her, Margarita still loves him. Caspar is the first person to receive the "gift", and during an instrumental, it's revealed that he's passed away as a result.

Connections to Other Characters

Margarita Blankenheim: Although Caspar made some sort of childhood promise to her, he had forgotten it by the time they became adults. Their marriage was born from politics, and it's clear that he only wanted her wealth. Soon, Margarita administers the "gift" to him, and he dies some time after that.


Conceptualization and Origin

  • Caspar's name is derived from the Hebrew word for "treasurer"; traditionally, the name is assigned to one of the biblical Three Magi and translates as "Master of the Treasure".