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The Jakoku Civil War was the name given to the civil conflict fought between the various warring states in Jakoku during the middle of the sixth century EC. Lasting for nearly a decade, the war resulted in the nation's unification under the Tokugawa Shogunate.



Around EC 540, Jakoku's government fell apart and the various regions divided into individual states. As the years progressed, the states' daimyo warred with one another for control of their territory. During the fighting, Nobunaga Hatsune succeeded in conquering much of the territories and eventually dominated much of the archipelago. Nobunaga was later betrayed and killed during a revolt between his subordinates.[1]

Civil War[]

After Nobunaga's daughter, Jahime, succeeded him, the princess allied herself with Julia IR and her Crimson Robed Masses. The Hatsunes then began reconquering the neighboring states. In EC 549, Gaou Octo allied with the Tokugawas along with Elluka Clockworker, Gumillia, and Chartette Langley, helping drive back Jahime's forces. Later that year, Julia IR killed Chartette in Enbizaka. Shortly after, the Tokugawa and Hatsune factions battled at Jagahara, leading to Jahime's defeat. Following the princess' surrender, the warring states were united under the Tokugawa banner[1] and a new ruler was crowned, ending the civil war.[2]


In recognition for his outstanding service, Gaou was promoted to magistrate of the Izami region and settled in the country, his family becoming renowned as samurai.[3] Elluka and Gumillia continued to remain in the country for another nine years before finally returning to their homeland.[4] Following her defeat, Jahime began hunting down Julia IR and drove her from the country; Julia's Crimson Robed Masses continued resisting the newly established Tokugawa shogunate, eventually degenerating into a group of anti-foreigner terrorists.[1]

Civilian Perception[]

Jakoku's unification under the Tokugawa shogunate was largely seen as positive by the populace. The foreigners who participated in the war were also remembered in history, with the supernatural powers of Elluka, Gumillia and Gaou noted in folklore. The wastern author Yukina Freezis later wrote a Freezis Fairy Tale called "Jahime". It told the story of Jahime Hatsune, remembering her as a selfish princess who wanted to conquer the entire archipelago and conspired with a witch.[5]


Conceptualization and Origin[]

  • The civil war is possibly inspired by Japan's Sengoku period, sharing similar major factions and battles.


