The Evillious Chronicles Wiki

The Gula Disease[1] was a magical pathogen conjured from the Glass of Conchita. Named after the Beelzenian village where it first appeared, the disease took countless lives over the centuries before a cure was eventually discovered.


The pathogen for the Gula plague could be generated by the Glass of Conchita and its wielders.[2] When conjured by the original demon, it could spread to the flesh of an animal when consumed, although failing to kill said animal. Those who ate the animal's flesh would then be infected by the disease and have increasingly huge appetites. As a symptom of the disease, the appetites of the afflicted would become distorted, causing them to crave whatever was available, including inedible objects such as hay or silverware.[3]

In order to survive the plague, the afflicted would be forced to satisfy their appetites for a period of ten years. If an infected individual was able to successfully satisfy their hunger for the entirety of the ten-year period, the disease would subside and its symptoms would disappear.[4] Conversely, those who refused to eat or ate inedible objects would be killed.

If the glass was within the vicinity of the afflicted, it was capable of increasing the number of deaths, with more and more being killed over time. Even with the vessel being removed from the area, the death toll averaged at one individual per day.[5] When conjured by Banica Conchita as the new Demon of Gluttony, the disease was airborne, capable of quickly spreading across a large area.[6]

Those infected would suffer from an abnormally high fever in addition to a craving for the inedible. The symptoms would then worsen over the time, with the infected individual eventually rejecting the contents of their stomach, vomiting blood, and dying shortly after.[7] However, it was possible to survive the disease for several years.[8] Those killed by Gula are also capable of being reanimated by the Demon of Gluttony, becoming mindless puppets to the will of the wielder.[9] Medicine to treat the symptoms was available by the sixth century EC,[10] although a cure to the affliction was only developed in the EC 600s by Dr. Puerick Rogzé.[11]



Conceptualization and Origin

  • The name of the disease is likely derived from the Latin word "gula", meaning "gluttony".
  • Coincidentally, the romanization of "Gula", グーラ (guura), is similar to the romanization of "ghoul", グール (guuru); ghouls are undead spirits or demons usually depicted as scavengers and human flesh eaters, often associated with graveyards and burial grounds.




  1. グーラ病
  2. The Daughter of Evil: Praefacio of Blue - Chapter 3, Section 2
  3. Deadly Sins of Evil: Evil Food Eater Conchita - Hors D'oeuvre
  4. Deadly Sins of Evil: Evil Food Eater Conchita - Hors D'oeuvre
  5. Deadly Sins of Evil: Evil Food Eater Conchita - Hors D'oeuvre
  6. The Daughter of Evil: Praefacio of Blue - Chapter 3, Section 2
  7. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 2, Section 2
  8. The Servant of Evil PV
  9. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 3, Section 1
  10. The Daughter of Evil: Praefacio of Blue - Chapter 2, Section 1
  11. Deadly Sins of Evil: Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep - Chapter 3