Biên Niên Sử Ác Ma
Dòng 64: Dòng 64:
==Kỹ năng và Khả năng==
==Kỹ năng và Khả năng==
Tony là một người lính dày dặn, một vị tướng có thể chỉ huy cả quân đội của mình chống lại địch, anh thậm chí còn có kinh nghiệm chiến đấu chống những kẻ bất tử. Tuy nhiên, kinh nghiệm của Tony cũng có những giới hạn của nó, khiến anh phải chịu áp lực khi phải đối mặt với những tình huống mà anh không chuẩn bị, chẳng hạn như những cuộc tấn công bất ngờ. Anh cũng là một sinh viên có khả năng, có những nghiên cứu xuất sắc của mình đủ để được nhận vào Đại học Levin.
Tony was a proficient soldier, able to attain the rank of general and command his troops against enemy forces; he was also experienced in fighting the undead. However, Tony's experience had its limits, causing him to crack under pressure when faced with situations he was unprepared for, such as surprise attacks. He was also a capable student, excelling at his studies enough to be able to get accepted into Levin University.
==Mối quan hệ với các nhân vật==
==Mối quan hệ với các nhân vật==

Phiên bản lúc 15:24, ngày 1 tháng 7 năm 2018

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Tony Ausdin là một thường dân của Liên Hiệp Quốc Gia Evillious. Sau sự bùng nổ của Evillious War, Tony dấy lên một cuộc thảm sát ở làng Zenosai họ làm việc bí mật cho kẻ địch. Bị bắt vì tội ác trong chiến tranh, Tony đã hối lộ vị thẩm phán Gallerian Marlon bạn mình để được phán vô tội.

Tiểu sử

Đầu đời

Sinh năm EC 940, Tony lớn lên trong gia tộc Ausdin tại Lucifenia. Anh được nhận vào Đại học Levin, cùng phòng với Gallerian Marlon. Không thể tốt nghiệp được vào EC 958 với loạt bài thi dở dang, Tony vẫn tham dự buổi tiệc tốt nghiệp để chúc mừng bạn cùng phòng của mình. Gallerian Marlon gạt đi, và hai người cùng thảo luận về tương lai Tony khi trở thành một vị tướng, Gallerian nhận xét rằng anh không thích hợp với vị trí đó, anh là một người chuộng hòa bình.

Về việc giảm thiểu chiến tranh càng nhiều càng tốt của USE, Tony nói rằng cha anh ta không tán thành ý tưởng đó, và rằng thật khó chịu khi sinh ra trong một gia đình có truyền thống quân sự. Gallerian vặn hỏi liệu có phải anh cố tình không tốt nghiệp để trốn nghĩa vụ, thì Tony trở nên lúng túng và lảng đi.[1]

Sau khi bị cha mẹ ngừng chu cấp vì không tốt nghiệp, Tony trở thành bảo vệ của Sảnh Ám Tinh. Trong phiên tòa của Kayo Sudou vào EC 960, Tony đã ngăn lại một công tố viên nổi điên, nháy mắt với Gallerian. Quở trách vì không được nhận ra, Tony giải thích về việc mình đang cần một công việc bán thòi gian.[2]

Military General

Later on, Tony successfully graduated college and became a major general for the USE army, his military career flourishing as he fought against Asmodean guerrilla forces as well as undead soldiers. At some point, he became acquainted with his fellow general Shiro Netsuma.[3] After the founding on PN, Tony helped it succeed.[4]

In summer of EC 976, he and Shiro visited Gallerian's house, calling in a favor to locate Ma in order to enlist her help in the fight against the dead soldiers. Knocking at the door, the two were answered by Gallerian's daughter Michelle. As the girl loudly called for her father, Tony chided Shiro that she should be at least half as loud as well.

Going inside and meeting with Gallerian, Tony related that the USE army needed Ma's help and was told by Gallerian's butler Bruno Zero that they hadn't seen Ma in 14 years. Saddened, Tony explained that the army was having trouble fighting the undead soldiers due to their supernatural abilities. Shortly after, Gallerian received a letter from one of his servants, Katerina, that was written by Ma.

Tony was later led through the Misty Mountains by Shiro, followed by Gallerian and Bruno. After Postman revealed themselves, Tony watched Gallerian meet with Ma, looking for a way out with Shiro. They were later informed that a troupe was waiting for them in the Babul desert.[5]

Trials of War

At some point, Tony learned that Gallerian was corrupt and took bribes for trials. After the outbreak of the Evillious War in EC 982, Tony and his forces were deployed to battle Asmodean. In February of the following year, Tony rode with Colonel Mars in an armored vehicle through Levianta's Samadin region. Shiro explained that the snow was dangerously deep, and that they'd halt for an hour.

Deciding to rest at the nearby village of Zenosai, Tony heard Mars and Shiro converse about her being from the village. Guarded by Shiro, Tony washed his face at the river before informing her he'd be going by himself for a while. Approached by a Netsuma girl and asked if he was a general, Tony confirmed the fact. After the girl pulled a stick of lit dynamite from her basket, Tony cried out and was rescued by Shiro. Following the blast, both the girl and Shiro's friends had disappeared.

Realizing that Zenosai was loyal to the enemy, Tony ordered his soldiers to kill all the villagers. Met with Shiro's protests, Tony ignored her. Shooting down the Netsuma, Tony was approached by the limping Shiro, told to stop. Telling her in turn to stop talking, Tony accidentally shot her in the chest.

Nội Chiến Levianta

Later on, information regarding Tony's massacre of Zenosai became widespread, covered in both Leviantan newspapers and radio. Arrested and imprisoned for his war crimes, Tony began eating less. Later on, he was met by Gallerian in jail, guarded by the jailer. Expressing his joy at seeing him, Tony was asked if what the media was saying was true; confirming the fact, Tony explained that he had to assume the entire village was acting for Asmodean.

Asked about Shiro's death, Tony assured Gallerian it was an accident and that he was truly sorry for it, struggling to tell if the judge believed him although he was visibly saddened. After his friend told him that the trial couldn't be easily fudged and that he would likely be found guilty and executed, Tony pleaded with Gallerian, hearing him state that he talk about their friendship before interrupting that he had money. After Gallerian gave him a price of 5 million Ev, Tony expressed his surprise at the low price before Gallerian replied it was a friendly discount. The jailer then ended their session.

Later on, Tony was tried by Gallerian for his crimes, the trial's audience shouting for him to be killed. The judge then declared him innocent, citing that Zenosai was an enemy village and that he killed Shiro by accident; the crowd then became angry. Later on, the Tasan Party leaked that Tony had bribed Gallerian, causing civil war to break out in Alicegrad in April.[6]

Months later in August, Tony was pursued by Nemesis Sudou in his own home. Cornered by her along with his pregnant wife and son in his backyard, he asked her why she was there and, given her explanation of the civil war, explained that the Zenosai massacre was an accident. Firing at her, Tony witnessed her quickly dodge the bullet. Told that his guardsmen outside had been arrested by the people's militia and that Nemesis would kill him with Shiro's gun, Tony surrendered and begged for his life. Beginning to offer a bribe, Tony was shot. Not long after his death, Nemesis allowed his wife and son to escape, Tony's corpse left in his backyard.[7]

Sau khi chết

Later on, Tony's soul entered the Heavenly Yard before being pulled down due to Nemesis' destruction of the Third Period in EC 999. Eventually, Tony ended up leading the Tasan Party soldiers in their hunt for the demon contractors. Confronting Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche inside the Lucifenian Royal Palace, Tony explained the situation, shocked to find out that Riliane knew him during her time as Postman.

Urging her to give up, Tony witnessed Riliane escape, assisted by Clarith, whom he mistook for Shiro.[8] Having his soldiers surround the palace, Tony was later approached by Arth Lucifen d'Autriche, whom he was pleased to meet. Explaining that they were waiting for reinforcements and stating his intention of capturing Riliane, Tony saw Arth go back inside. A fight later broke out between the palace inhabitants and the Tasan soldiers.[9]

As the fight dragged on, Tony was nearly defeated by the Lucifenian side's leader, Germaine Avadonia. Later on, Tasan's main forces arrived with a Black Box; Tony then delighted in seeing the Lucifenian souls get sucked into the box, before he and his forces were sucked in as well. After the Black Box was shot down by Nemesis, Tony was among the souls freed, although losing his will to fight.[10]

Tính cách và Đặc điểm

Khi còn trẻ, Tony khá thụ động, thuộc tuýp người theo chủ nghĩa hòa bình, muốn tránh né xung đột và không thích bị áp lực từ gia đình về việc trở thành quân nhân, thường rời đi mỗi khi thấy xấu hổ. Tuy nhiên, sau này anh ta đã chấp nhận làm một người lính, thậm chí trở thành một vị tướng.

Sau sự bùng nổ của chiến tranh, Tony đã bị ảnh hưởng bởi những căng thẳng của cuộc xung đột và trở nên sợ hãi, hoang tưởng; cuộc phục kích của dân làng Zenosai khiến anh ta ra lệnh thảm sát toàn bộ vì cho rằng tất cả họ đều làm việc cho Asmodean. Sau đó, Tony đã luôn biện minh cho quyết định này, cũng không tỏ ra hối hận rõ ràng. Sau khi tội ác chiến tranh bị phát hiện, Tony trở nên tuyệt vọng. để tránh bị hành quyết, anh ta sẵn lòng phá luật và hối lộ cho bất cứ ai.

Kỹ năng và Khả năng

Tony là một người lính dày dặn, một vị tướng có thể chỉ huy cả quân đội của mình chống lại địch, anh thậm chí còn có kinh nghiệm chiến đấu chống những kẻ bất tử. Tuy nhiên, kinh nghiệm của Tony cũng có những giới hạn của nó, khiến anh phải chịu áp lực khi phải đối mặt với những tình huống mà anh không chuẩn bị, chẳng hạn như những cuộc tấn công bất ngờ. Anh cũng là một sinh viên có khả năng, có những nghiên cứu xuất sắc của mình đủ để được nhận vào Đại học Levin.

Mối quan hệ với các nhân vật

Gallerian Marlon: Tony's closest friend. Tony and Gallerian shared a room during their time at Levin University, growing close to the point where Tony was able to confide Gallerian about his anxieties about joining the military. After the two of them went their separate ways, Tony continued to rely on Gallerian, calling in favors multiple times.

Shiro Netsuma: A fellow general. Tony and Shiro maintained a professional relationship and got along well. During the slaughter of Zenosai, Tony's paranoia made him unable to recognize that Shiro was trying to calm him down and shot her dead. Following her death, Tony was apologetic for what he had done and deeply regretful of his mistake.

Bên lề

Nguồn gốc và Xuất xứ

  • Tony được lấy cảm hứng từ Vocaloid đại diện, TONIO, với phần romaji là "toni".

Thư viện ảnh

Xuất hiện

Tham khảo

  1. Đại Tội của Ác Ma: Lời phán quyết Ác Đức - Chương 1
  2. Đại Tội của Ác Ma: Lời phán quyết Ác Đức - Chương 2
  3. Deadly Sins of Evil: Judgment of Corruption - Episode 6
  4. Deadly Sins of Evil: Judgment of Corruption - Episode 10
  5. Deadly Sins of Evil: Judgment of Corruption - Episode 6
  6. Deadly Sins of Evil: Judgment of Corruption - Episode 10
  7. Deadly Sins of Evil: The Muzzle of Nemesis - 4
  8. Deadly Sins of Evil: Master of the Heavenly Yard - Chapter 3
  9. Deadly Sins of Evil: Master of the Heavenly Yard - Chapter 4
  10. Deadly Sins of Evil: Master of the Heavenly Yard - Chapter 5